Re: how to mark up a photo on the web

Ben Adida wrote:

> Are we using the vocabularies correctly? Are there other  
> vocabularies we
> should consider for the advanced example?

I would say that the geo vocab might be being used incorrectly. You  
have, for example:

	<./maddie.jpg> geo:latitude 57.64911 ;
		geo:longitude 10.40744 .

Given the defined domain of geo:latitude, this makes maddie.jpg a  
geo:SpatialThing. It says that the photo itself has those co-ordinates.

What you might want instead is:

	<./maddie.jpg> XXXX [ geo:latitude 57.64911 ;
		  geo:longitude 10.40744 ] .

Where XXXX is dcterms:subject or maybe foaf:depicts.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 20 February 2009 22:56:14 UTC