Re: RDFa Trials and Travails ...

At 11:40 PM 9/24/2008, Hausenblas, Michael wrote:

That pretty much describes what I'm feeling as I try to add more RDFa to Digg.

The complexity of RDFa keeps pushing me back toward Microformats, but 
I sense that RDFa enables different things from Microformats.  Again, 
my example is SearchMonkey: Yahoo!'s crawler can index any RDFa, 
whether Dublin Core or my own custom vocabulary.  But they can only 
index formal microformats, because custom microformats are 
indistinguishable from ordinary mark-up.

In other words, if I must add custom metadata, RDFa lets me use it in 
a third-party tool with no prearrangement.  The same isn't possible 
with Microformats, which would require me to lobby with Yahoo! (and 
every other toolmaker) to recognize this or that Microformat 
candidate I dream up.

Do I have that right? 

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2008 16:47:41 UTC