More Suggestions for PER RDF Core 1.1


I finished my translation, so reading the whole thing in German, I 
found some more things, that might need attention.

I asked some stupid questions in the comments sometimes, questions 
that people like me might ask, who haven't got too much knowledge 
about RDF & Co.	

The text follows inline, but I attached an html file. It is much 
better to read.


7.4.1 Scoping of Prefix Mappings

CURIE prefix mappings are defined on the current element and its 

CURIE prefix mappings are defined on the current element and are 
valid for all its decendants, except another CURIE prefix mapping in 
a decendant element overrides it.

I was wondering, if it could be little more explanatory.

7.5, rule 11, third li.

Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version [XML-EXC-C14N] 

Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0 [XML-EXC-C14N]

add 1.0

7.5, rule 13

not with blue background

Add ' div class="explanation" ' around the explanation after the 

7.6.2, second example

Three descriptions in the example.

Capital Letter and full stop.

The context descriptions vary from small letter at the beginning 
without '.' to capital letter and '.'. Keep it consistent.

... which means that the processor only requires one attribute, the 
value of the type.

... which means that the processor only requires the value of the 

The word attribute is used in combination with element, attribute, 
value in HTML. Attribute in HTML sense would be @typeof, but here it 
has just some general meaning and points to the value of @typeof, so 
just skip the word attribute to avoid confusion. Otherwise, if you 
want to point that out like before, say: ... the processor requires 
only one more thingy, ... . Typing resources with @typeof, after example 2

but the element is used only to define possible 'subject' resources 
via, e.g., @resource

Do you mean, 'define only possible subject resources for @typeof'? 
Because @resource should provide an object. I also don't understand 
the only, a resource should be there to give an object to a subject, 
or do you find @resource without an associated subject? Typing resources with @typeof, after example 4



8.3, last paragraph

A IRI resource object can be set using one of @rel or @rev to express 
a predicate.

An IRI resource object is used, if either @rel or @ref express/set 
a/the predicate, an explicit object resource can be set with/by one 
of the following attributes ... .

In the original constellation, it sounds a bit like @rel or @rev 
would set the value for the object.
 One more thing: 'the @property ... to define an IRI resource' is not 
really clear in its statement.
 Please check the paragraph above also: ... 'an' element, if 
@property 'expresses/is used to express' a predicate.

(and no resource attribute is present).

and no resource attribute is present

Remove the parantheses, sounds like an important condition.

8.4, example 4

<a> ... </span>

<a> ... </a>

It might be a because there is an href inside.

9. RDFa Initial Context
In the first paragraph, approved host languages are XML+RDFa and 
XHTML+RDFa. You might want to add HTML+RDFa by the time of 
publication or if not, a hint, that it is upcoming.

Im am a bit confused with the first paragraph. The section is said to 
be non normative, but the first paragraph is in dfn tags (what makes 
it appear in bold letters). The text sounds normative, but the proper 
normative version seems to be in 10.2. Might be better to remove the 
dfn tag.

B, first paragraph
An ordered list with three list items might be easier to read.

Status of the document
If you would ask me, I would say to remove all the changes from the 
status section and just refer to the section Changes. It is almost 
the same, and you have to read most things twice with just a little 
more info in Changes.

3.2, first note
Maybe a good idea to throw out the note in the next revision or 
adjust it.

7.4.4, after last example
No explanation why it is the same triple.

The first link uses the default prefix as described in section 6: 
Curie Syntax Definition, the second link uses the prefix xhv: which 
we defined for all examples in section 2: Syntax Overview.

The examples are for people to understand better or faster, this 
would help people, who read it first time or start somewhere in the 

4.1 and 7.6.1

1. The output graph and the processor graph are separate graphs and 
must not be stored in the same graph by the RDFa Processor.
 2. For whole-graph RDFa Processors, the software must allow the 
developer to specify if they would like to retrieve the output graph, 
the processor graph, or both graphs as a single, combined graph from 
the RDFa Processor.
This sounded contradicting to me first. It is not, because once it is 
what the processor stores (this has to be two graphs) and the other 
thing is the output, where the graphs can be combined. These two 
statements are in two far away sections, so for the reader to get it 
right from the beginning, it would be nice to add something to the 
first sentence in 4.1 like: They might be joined in the output of the 
processor like described in section 7.6.1. . 
 Just an idea.

9. RDFa Initial Contexts, 2. and 3.
2. For every subject with a pair of predicates that have the values 
rdfa:prefix and rdfa:uri
 3. ...

For every subject with a pair of the predicates rdfa:prefix and 
rdfa:uri ...
 3. ...

The 'values of the predicates' are the object literals for the prefix 
and IRI. Here value is used in a different meaning.

several occurances
'hanging rel'
hanging @rel

9. last note
Looking at the last note now as a list, it looks quite like mandatory 
stuff, that should not be in an informative section like a note.

I have a remark about the usage of words.
 There are many terms, that are defined for RDF(a), subject, object, 
value and so on. If these terms are used one time in the defined way 
as part of a triple, e.g., and in another place, e.g., object ist 
just used in a general way, it leads to confusion.
 So these defined terms should be only used in the defined way, and 
find some other general words for what you want to say. Sometimes 
that might be difficult.
 But instead of saying, there is an object in my rearview mirror, you 
just have to say, there is a car in the rearview mirror. (So nobody 
will ask you, if the car is a literal or an IRI.)
 I hope you understand my weird example. :-)

Stefan Schumacher
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
+91 9923670737
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