Relative URIs in Prefix Mappings

Hello all,

I've not been on the public-rdfa list till just now ... just the
public-rdfa-wg list.  So, I just saw the e-mail that Peter sent out
[1] as he forwarded Manu's response to me.

So, the processor with the issue is mine.  :(

As I can see, there is no test for this.  I sent a note out on Oct 2nd
about that but it wasn't tied to a detailed explanation like Peter

I am also happy to write up some test cases for this as well.

There are two problems here:

1. Should it be resolved at all?

We may want prefix resolution to be consistent with XML namespaces.
In section 2.2 [2], it says the use of relative paths is deprecated
according to [3] and that further specifications will provide no
interpretation of the relative URI values.  From the perspective of
this decision, the namespace name is the relative URI even though it
has further interpretation as a resolved absolute URI.  The @prefix
attribute could behave similarly.

Since RDFa needs the output to be absolute URI values and the
recommendations of [3] indicates that specifications shouldn't
interpret relative namespace name URIs, if we wish the @prefix to be
consistent with XML Namespaces, we shouldn't as well.  In fact, I
would say we could go further and say that relative prefix values are

The other option is to say that since @prefix isn't a namespace name
declaration, we're allowed to have our own interpretations.  This
would be inconsistent with XML Namespaces but enable the intended
behavior that Peter wants for the uses he has described.

As a user, I'll never use relative URI values for prefixes per the
recommendations of [3].  As an implementor, I just want to know what
to do: ignore or resolve?  Using mappings to relative URIs, which is
what my implementation does, per 7.5, step 3, is just broken as it
results in relative URIs in the output graph.

2. If it is resolved, what should it be?

The unresolved question for an implementor is this:

   Is the prefix resolved against the base URI where the prefix is
declared or against the base URI on the element where it is used?

That is, an xml:base could change the resolving base URI if it is
allowed to be resolved at use.

As an implementor, I would prefer the case where it is resolved at
declaration as it would mean I can resolve it once.

As a user, I think resolving it where it is declared makes more sense
because it will have the same result everywhere.

Also, it is somewhat pathological to resolve prefixes with relative
URIs at use as different element base URIs will result in different
mappings to absolute URIs.  In either case, the resulting URI is
inconsistent with namespace prefix declarations.

Meanwhile, 7.5, step 3, says:

"Regardless of how the mapping is declared, the value to be mapped
must be converted to lower case, and the IRI is not processed in any
way; in particular if it is a relative path it must not be resolved
against the current base. Authors should not use relative paths as the

Also, 7.4.1 could be interpreted to indicate that it expands where it
is used.  As such, if the WG intended it to be expanded where it was
declared, it should probably state that in the errata.


--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 13:46:13 UTC