Highlight RDFa with CSS

Hi all!

I just hacked up a simple CSS for highlighting RDFa:


It's designed to be used *instead* of the regular CSS of a page. (So
although it's possible to just add it to a styled page, things might
look quite odd if you do.) To try it out, use the basic "Use RDFa CSS"
Bookmarklet found at:


Just add that to your browser bookmarks and activate on any page using
RDFa. (Or just run the JS in the bookmarklet directly, or add the CSS
in place using a DOM inspector...)

You can also go to the RDFa playground [1] and paste:

    <link rel="stylesheet"
href="http://niklasl.github.com/rdfa-lab/css/rdfa.css" />

into an example there. (The added style is to adjust a bit for the small frame.)

I'm sure there are a lot of things that can be improved (color-wise
and match-wise). But I hope it's fairly useful as it is, and that
it'll provide inspiration for other tools (in-browser editors like
aloha-editor come to mind..).

Best regards,

[1]: http://rdfa.info/play/

Received on Sunday, 20 May 2012 22:17:47 UTC