RDFa Subject-Object Variables Determination

After pouring over RDFa Core 1.1, Section 7.5, Steps 5 & 6: I have created a
table that I think simply and accurately depicts the processor behavior
described in these steps. Unfortunately, it is "difficult" to represent a
table with footnotes in eighty columns of plain text. Therefore, I have
attached a .PDF of the table to this message. Please take a look at this
table and let me know if it is accurate. Did I leave anything out? Is
anything in the wrong place. Does it adequately sum up the purpose and
intent of these steps in the algorithm? There are footnotes dispersed
throughout the table with additional information or questions. Please be
sure to check those also. 

Thank you,

P.S. I have turned on commenting for this .PDF file. If you have a recent
.PDF editing tool, you should be able to add comments to the .PDF file. You
can then e-mail that document directly back to me (grantsr@gmail.com). I
will then take all the comments I receive and summarize them here (as best
as is possible in eighty colums of plain text).

Received on Saturday, 31 March 2012 04:16:11 UTC