Getting Started w/ RDFa

I've been looking into to incorporating RDFa into a cms my company has developed. I think I understand the core concepts of semantic markup and specifying the context for content. I do need some help with the implementation.

I'm very, very new to this, so if there are resources that anyone can point me to, I'm more than happy to do my own research (RTFM, right).

It appears you can specify multiple "schemas/definitions/terms" for a given page, you just have to namespace/prefix those libraries (hope that's the right term) so it can be declared which term is associated with which library.

Is there a recommended location to declare those prefixes? In the <html>, <body>, further down in the document? Does it make a difference?

I've read Manu Sporny's concerns with And I'd agree wholeheartedly with his post (

I'll say that what I do like about is how easy it was to find the types/terms that are available to define the content. Is there a similar listing for Dublin Core / DOAP / FOAF / etc.? Or do I just need to read through the XML documents?

I really hope these questions make sense, and apologies if my terminology is off.


Received on Saturday, 24 March 2012 00:18:59 UTC