Re: RDFa Test Suite EARL reports

On Mar 8, 2012, at 6:58 AM, "Niklas Lindström" <> wrote:

> Hi Gregg!
> I haven't had time to look into why, but for some reason I have to
> generate my own manifest.jsonld file (using my python implementation),
> change {"@id": "test:required"} to just "test:required" and sort the
> "@id" array (which btw. should be changed to "@graph") on "@id".
> Otherwise I get errors from the ruby app.

It should auto update the manifest.jsoinld file when manifest.ttl is changed. I'll take a look at what might be going on later; sorting is a well-known issue with tt version of Ruby, but shouldn't matter in running.

> Also, running shotgun is really slow (AFAIK in development mode it
> reloads a lot of things on each request). Instead I did:
>    $ gem install thin
>    $ thin --rackup start ---threaded
> Threaded is needed since otherwise it deadlocks when, during a test
> run, the service under test requests the app recursively for a test
> case. ;) Of course, there may be even better ways to run this.

That would work too, although I don't experience the performance issues. It does cache resources, so the first access (esp. for  manifest.jsonld) can take a bit longer.

> .. In case you want to try out my Clojure implementation, do:
>    $ brew install lein # unless you already have Leiningen
>    $ git clone git://
>    $ cd clj-rdfa
>    $ lein deps
>    $ lein ring server-headless
> Then use <http://localhost:3000/extract?url=> as processor.

Great! Will you have it running off of a public ally accessible service?


> Best regards,
> Niklas
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
>> Actually, there is no good doc on running locally in the README, I'll fix that!
>> Basically, if you're running on something with Ruby installed, you should be able to do the following:
>> git clone
>> cd rdfa-website
>> [sudo] gem install bundler
>> bundle install
>> bundle exec shotgun
>> This will create an instance, usually running on port 9393. If you access as http://localhost:9393/test-suite/, it will re-write test URIs to so that processors can see any tests that are already uploaded. If you want to run with a local endpoint, run with something else such as, which will inhibit the URI rewriting.
>> As an example, you could download the service I run at, which can be cloned from and run basically the same way:
>> git clone
>> cd rdf-portal
>> bundle install
>> bundle exec shotgun -p 3000
>> This would run that service on port 3000, and you could use that as the processor URI such as http://localhost:3000/distiller?raw=true&in_fmt=rdfa&uri=, and the two services would talk to each other all on your same machine.
>> BTW, shotgun is basically like rackup, but it automatically reloads source that is changed.
>> Gregg
>> On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>> Use for now.
>>> Clone from github/rdfa/rdfa-website. There are some instructions to run in the readme; basic rack site with Bundler.
>>> Gregg Kellogg
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 7, 2012, at 1:52 PM, "Dan Brickley" <> wrote:
>>>> On 5 March 2012 05:21, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
>>>>> The test suite [1] has been updated to generate EARL reports. Note that many tests can't run properly until the domain is updated to

>>>> [1] is 404, and guessing my way to fails
>>>> too. Is there a stable URL you can share for the test suite?
>>>> I'm also interested to find how to run the test suite offline. Github I guess?
>>>> Dan
>>>>> To generate a report, select a version and host language (at this point, only XML1+RDFa 1.1 and XHTML1+RDFa 1.1 with and without Vocabulary Expansion,are needed). Select to processor, or add one to the text field. Note that you must tab out of the field in order for the URL to be updated. Select "Run All Tests", and when complete, you can click "EARL Report". At this point, you can either see the formatted HTML+RDFa report (such as it is), but not do a view source, or you can see the source. I know ReSpec is able to do both, and if anyone would like to step in to improve this, feel free.
>>>>> If you have a processor that is not in the drop-down, you can either update it in GitHub [1], or send a request into the list, and one of the committers will take care of it. You don't need to have your processor in the list to run either the tests, or the report, but reporting is better when there's a name to add to the report.
>>>>> When done, please send a link, or the body of the HTML source of the EARL report in to be compiled into a comprehensive report required to exit CR for RDFa Core 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1.
>>>>> A sample report output for RDF.rb running XML1+RDFa 1.1 can be found here [3].
>>>>> Gregg
>>>>> [1]

>>>>> [2]

>>>>> [3]


Received on Thursday, 8 March 2012 14:20:32 UTC