Updated the primer

Hi guys,

I did an update on the RDFa 1.1 Primer[1]. Apart from cosmetics, I have:

- removed the section on profiles, left only the default profiles
- in the examples, where appropriate, I tried to use @vocab wherever possible, mainly in the advanced pages at the end
- I added a section on using full URIs

I am wondering whether a restructuring or change in the document would not be better, namely to introduce vocab on the top as part of the 'start', and then take it from there. At present the story begins with the usage of prefixes. I will think about it and maybe restructure things that way...


[1] http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-primer/Overview-src.html

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 15:12:49 UTC