Linking to @about in RDFa Lite?


 Looking at section 2.3 of the new RDFa Lite draft [1], it starts:

If you want people to link to things on your page, you can identify
the thing using a hash and a name. For example:

<p vocab="" about="#manu" typeof="Person">

Is that correct? I think it implies that the presence of @about is
enough to get a browser to move to that part of the page.

 Should the html be

 <p vocab="" id="manu" about="#manu" typeof="Person">

 I'm far from filing a bug because I may misunderstand the markup.

Broadening the conversation, having to put both @id and @about on
elements to define RDFa patterns that are "about themselves" has
always struck me as odd. But perhaps it's an inevitable cost of RDFa
being a graph-based, distributed format. Or perhaps we're in the
rabbit hole of information and non-information resources.

 I guess I'm more broadly raising the topic of a convention for
marking @id attributes as visible to an RDFa (lite?) processor. Has
there been any thinking on that? I understand it might mess up
backwards compatibility. But I could really (really!) use it to
simplify my markup.



Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 16:12:20 UTC