Re: RDF Web Apps WG telecon minutes for 2011-10-13

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 12:54:02 -0400
Manu Sporny <> wrote:


I'm now a WG member, so hopefully will start attending some of these
again. :-)

Re item #1...

"has anyone implemented @inlist or @rev in their processor?"

I have implemented @inlist, but the latest release of my parser is
failing tests on CPAN because of an undeclared dependency. Drat! I hope
to have a new release soon.

And of course I have implemented @rev - otherwise I'd fail dozens of
test suite tests - but I haven't implemented the combination of @inlist
and @rev.

I only suggested that @inlist and @rev should be allowed together
having worked on the implementation and realised it would be
trivially easy to add.

Re item #2...

"the only thing we're talking about is the removal of stylesheet and

I'd be in favour of removing alternate. It does have good uses, but I
think the overwhelming majority of uses in the wild are abuses. There's
the rel="alternate stylesheet" idiom first blessed by HTML4, and
there's also the practise of using it for linking to feeds.

Why is linking to feeds abuse? It's not necessarily. But people will
have, say, an article about cats, and on that page include a
rel="alternate" link to a feed of the latest 15 items on their blog.
The feed is not an alternate version of the cat article - it's an
alternate version of the front page of their blog.

There are of course people who use it properly, but it's my impression
that they form a minority. Those people can still use:

	<link rel="alternate :alternate" href="..." />

to force RDFa parsers to pick up the link.

I don't see any reason to throw out rel="stylesheet". It's not an
especially interesting triple, but at least it's normally accurate.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 13 October 2011 18:11:23 UTC