Re: Official RDFa Response: ISSUE-94: Formulation on fragid in RDFa Core

I don't quite get this. The language in the 31 March version is "have
not yet caught up" but your decision at the meeting says to remove the
words "at present" - and these words do not occur in the document.

Let me know when you have made the change and I'll check then that it
says what I think it should.


On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Manu Sporny <> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> This is an official response from the RDF Web Applications Working
> Group, formerly the RDFa Working Group, on your 2nd Last Call comment
> for RDFa Core 1.1. The issue is being tracked here:
> ISSUE-94: Formulation on fragid in RDFa Core
> Previously, the TAG had informally noted a concern about the RDFa Core
> 1.1 document. The concern was that the use of fragment identifiers,
> while recognized as a good thing, was not clearly explained in the media
> type registrations. We had placed language into the document noting that
> the use of fragment identifiers to identify Semantic Web subjects was
> kosher, but the media type registrations had "not yet caught up".
> You had mentioned that the "not yet caught up" wording makes it sound
> like somebody is currently working on updating the media type
> registrations. You also noted that nobody had, in fact, taken on this
> work. You then proposed that we change the language slightly to not
> imply that the work was currently, or predicted to be performed.
> We had a short discussion about this on one of the telecons and decided
> to strike the language that the TAG found to be problematic. The
> decision is recorded here:
> The editor will integrate this language into the document shortly. Since
> this is a response to a 2nd Last Call comment, please make sure to let
> us know whether or not this addresses the concern to your satisfaction.
> Thank you for taking the time to review the RDFa Core 1.1 specification.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: PaySwarm Developer Tools and Demo Released

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2011 02:30:24 UTC