Re: Committed a cleaned version of RDF-API

Hi Niklas

Thanks for your comments.

> A question though. Does `set` replace an existing triple with the same
> subject and predicate? In most RDF API:s write operations are
> primarily `add` and `remove`. Sometimes a `set`, or more explicitly
> `replace` exist to do what `set` here is doing.
You are right. This is underspecified. I think we should follow your
proposal and add these methods:

Projection.add (property, value)
Projection.remove (property, optional value)

> Also, how does one create a relation -- i.e. give a URI reference as
> object? A string that looks like a URI won't do, since string
> *literals* (neither a plain nor of type xsd:anyURI) are not the same
> as a reference. (That's basic RDF of course, but it might not be
> intuitive for a newcomer.)

The basic idea underlying Projections is that they just contain simple
and untyped string values. So, yes you would create a relations like
foaf:knows by calling:

ben.add("foaf:knows", "");

You can then create a projection by calling:


> (The last issue should reasonably be aligned with an eventual addition
> of the suggested "getRel(s)/getRev(s)" methods on Projection, with the
> difference that a new `addRel` probably should accept as object either
> a string representing the URI reference or another Projection.)

I agree partially, we might overload the method Projection.add
(property, value) to let value be either a projection, a list of
projections, a string, or a list of strings. This keeps the API as small
as possible.

> (I really should find the time to implement how I think this should
> look using Nathan's new rdfi.js...)

Yes, I know :) . It is also written on a postIt on my monitor.

Best regards,


Benjamin Adrian
Email :
Tel.: +49631 20575 1450
Skype: benbanbun
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Straße 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 11:08:08 UTC