Re: First sketch of the new RDF-API

Ivan Herman wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2011, at 18:47 , Nathan wrote:
>> Ivan Herman wrote:
>>> On Apr 29, 2011, at 18:25 , Nathan wrote:
>>>> yup, small note (well not small tbh).. the RDF Interfaces kind of needs the PrefixMap, TermMap, Profile and RDFEnvironment, else it's totally unusable and indeed isn't anything. Indeed I was quite surprised to even see them in this document, thought it was to be a developer focused read only API similar to the RDFa API, a layer of abstraction above?
>>> Wait, it is not so bad... There is a _reference_ to the rdfenvironment, nothing else.
>> Hmm, I see it re-defined in the RDF API:
> Ah! Sorry, I missed that.
> So the question is: would we allow for a level 2 interface like RDF API to use the same interface but with a restricted number of properties? It is obviously not the intention of removing the RDF environment from the RDF Interfaces, that is clear. Conceptually, we have a subset here. How would one go about defining this properly in the IDL/Javascript world?

the question is probably which subset is needed? as mentioned we've 
already found that one simple "setMapping" method was enough for the 
RDFa API, my contention would be that's also enough for the RDF API.

> Time to call it a day:-)

cool, enjoy :)



>>> The only interfaces that were 'lifted' into the rdf api were the term and prefix maps (and I indeed believe they are essential in the rdf interface level). Referring to the rdf environment to get to the mappings is probably fine.
>> Yup, although it possibly isn't needed since there is the setMapping method common to both the RDF API and the RDFa API, doesn't matter whether the implementation uses the RDFEnvironment, TermMap, PrefixMap, Profile or the like, that's all hidden behind the setMapping method and of no concern as it were.
>> Best,
>> Nathan
>>>> Ivan Herman wrote:
>>>>> Brilliant.
>>>>> Just a few things
>>>>> - you still have a reference to the rdfa environment in Document Data. We should certainly not keep it under that type and name. On the other hand, afaik the only role of the rdfa environment was to have the query, I wonder whether not calling it rdfa might be better for both and use that accordingly
>>>>> - should the rdf environment in the same interface still be optional? - I wonder whether it makes sense to elevate the term and prefix mapping interfaces into this level; these can be accessed via the rdf environment of the document data...
>>>>> - What I miss is how to get to a parser. THe RDFa API did not need this because, well, we had the Document object; in here we would need some access to the parsers with maybe much less options than in the core RDF Interfaces, ie, a stripped down version of that stuff...
>>>>> Great...
>>>>> Ivan On Apr 29, 2011, at 17:35 , Benjamin Adrian wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I just added first draft of a new RDF-API [1] which consists of copied
>>>>>> passages from the old RDF API (now RDF Interfaces) and RDFa API.
>>>>>> At the moment the section 1.Introduction remained the same. I will
>>>>>> re-edit it after a discussion about the content of Section 2. The RDF
>>>>>> API Specification.
>>>>>> As this is just a first sketch of a draft, much more editing work
>>>>>> remains to bring this Spec in good shape.
>>>>>> This evening I am going to add notes to the RDFa-API / RDF-interfaces
>>>>>> on each passage that I copied to this new spec.
>>>>>> Best regards and a wonderful weekend,
>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> Benjamin Adrian
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>>>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 29 April 2011 16:57:19 UTC