Re: XHTML+RDFa 1.1 'the most recent version'...

Manu Sporny :
> Hi Olaf,
> I'll try to take a shot at answering your questions...
> Does all of that make sense?

Yes, for authors this basically means to ensure to have
a well defined document, add the version information.
And if other circumstances prevent an author from adding
version information, the author has to take into account,
that the meaning of the document is or can become 

I had similar conclusions for other formats like SVG,
therefore in a tutorial (SVG, SVG tiny 1.2 can contain
RDFa too) I recommended already to add
always version information, if the document is more
than just decorative to conserve at least the intended
meaning, whatever the current interpretation of a
specific viewer/processor is.

Just because I mentioned already SVG and I
have another format using RDFa as well - how
to indicate the intended RDFa version in other
(XML) formats than XHTML? 


Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 08:23:52 UTC