Re: Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)


before you really go down that route...

On Oct 8, 2010, at 14:10 , Nathan wrote:


> Define a new HTML element <prefix> with two attributes @name and @value. to be used as such:
> <prefix name="foaf" value="">

Although very early versions of RDFa (if I remember well, I was not part of the group back then) did introduce new elements, the group made a very conscious decision to express everything in terms of attributes only. (Hence the name, RDF in attributes). The reason is that adding a new element to a host language is much more demanding. It is generally true that, say, a browser will simply ignore an attribute it does not understand but will add that attribute to the DOM tree, it may screw up the presentation algorithm of a browser if it hits an element it does not understand. On the other hand, convincing the HTML5 group to add a new, RDFa specific element to HTML5 is a lost cause.

> Failing that, and assuming non-RDF, what approach or new media type do you suggest?
> Best,
> Nathan
> ps: lol @ "when you are carrying a hammer, everything looks like a nail.", never heard that one before!

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 12:27:03 UTC