Re: Another way other than @profile, @vocab or @map

On 16/03/2010 14:38, Martin McEvoy wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been very interested with your discussions on the uses of 
> @profile, @vocab and more recently @map and to truthful I think the 
> conversations have gone a bit wild.
> It occurred to me that really the simplest problem should be solved 
> first "how to allow un prefixed property names in RDFa".
> I dont believe an author should be required to create another level of 
> indirection by either having to create profile documents in RDFa, 
> JSON, maybe even XSLT because this  kind of indirection has failed 
> already in the market place (I believe) in favour of well named 
> un-prefixed tokens such as those found in microformats and microdata.
> Much as I personally like the Idea of resurrecting the @profile 
> attribute, I believe that horse has bolted and you may have difficulty 
> persuading the html5-wg that its a good idea, but you never know :)
> With all the above in mind,  RDFa could I think re-use an attribute 
> name that already exists in htm5, microdata to be more precise 
> "itemtype"[1]. RDFa could be used pretty much like microdata eg:
> <div itemtype="" 
> about="#BusinessEntity" typeof="VCard">
> <div property="fn">L'Amourita Pizza</div>
> <div rel="adr">
> <div typeof="Address">
> <span property="street-address">2040 Any Street</span>,
> <span property="locality">Springfield</span>,
> <span property="postal-code">98102</span>.
>              Tel: <span property="tel">206-555-7242</span>.
> <span rel="url" resource=""></span>
> </div>
> </div>
> </div>
> The re-use of "itemtype" from microdata in this way would make it easy 
> for RDFa authors to understand what the attribute is used for because 
> it will be well documented for use in both RDFa and HTML, It will also 
> reduce clashing semantics and repetition of data.
> Best wishes.



Martin McEvoy

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 14:40:57 UTC