Re: [Comment response] To Tom Baker

Thank you, Ivan,

On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 09:02:54AM +0200, Ivan Herman wrote:
> Thank you for your comment 
>      <>
> on the RDFa 1.1 drafts. 
> The issues you raised are simply our mistake. Ie, there is no hidden agenda in not using 
> in the document, simply our own sloppiness...
> The internal draft for RDFa1.1 Core uses everywhere now, and 
> this will be the case for the published version. 
> Please acknowledge receipt of this email to
> <> (replying to this email should
> suffice). In your acknowledgment please let us know whether
> or not you are satisfied with the working group's response
> to your comment.

Thank you very much; I am satisfied with the working group's
response to the comment.

I should explain that my comment:

    Are there perhaps good reasons to prefer the more lightly
    specified /1.1/ namespace for use with RDFa?  If so,
    should DCMI consider making the case more explicit and
    actively promote the use of /1.1/ with RDFa?

was not intended to imply that I thought there might be a
hidden agenda.  It was a serious question.  When we assigned
ranges to properties in the /terms/ namespace, we assumed that
they were to be preferred to the rangeless /1.1/ properties.
However, we gather that some people see advantages to
rangeless properties in some situations, and I was wondering
whether simple RDFa markup might be one of those situations.
I mention this only in case anyone feels moved to comment.

That the WG has decided to use /terms/ consistently is the
answer I anticipated.

Many thanks,

Tom Baker <>

Received on Friday, 4 June 2010 14:06:05 UTC