Telecon Agenda - July 29th 2010, 1400 UTC

Hi all,

We're going to be doing a straw-poll to see if we want to publish a new
Heartbeat Working Draft for RDFa Core this Thursday. Let's spend the
rest of the time addressing some RDFa API issues since that is the next
spec we need to publish as a Heartbeat draft. If an issue has your name
beside it, you're expected to lead the discussion on the issue - heads
up Benjamin and Mark.

Thursday, July 29th 2010
Time: 1400 UTC, 7am San Francisco, 10am Boston, 3pm London
W3C Zakim bridge, telecon code: RDFA (7332)
   Phone US: +1.617.761.6200
   Phone UK: +44.203.318.0479
   Phone FR: +
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribe: Knud, Shane, Ivan, Toby (in scribe-list order)


1) Heartbeat Working Draft for RDFa Core (on Manu)
   * Schedule for RDFa API and RDFa Primer documents
   * RDFa API Primer (on Toby)?

2) ISSUE-31: setMapping API location (on Benjamin)

3) ISSUE-30: hasFeature clarifications (on Mark)

4) ISSUE-32: TypedLiteralConverter improvements (on Mark)

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: A pure Javascript SSL/TLS implementation

Received on Monday, 26 July 2010 21:05:18 UTC