Re: @profile everywhere proposal

I presume the goal, from an RDFa point of view, could be to use @profile
in place of @vocab in, say, a structure like[1]. Is this the idea? Or
would that replace the role of, say, @version in the current RDFa+XHTML



On 2010-2-23 06:44 , Manu Sporny wrote:
> On 02/22/2010 06:08 PM, Ben Adida wrote:
>> On 2/19/10 1:19 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>>> Julian, Tantek and I will be proposing a @profile everywhere spec on the
>>> HTML WG in the next month. It would be defined for HTML5, but could be
>>> extended to HTML4.01 and XHTML.
>> Is the idea to simply concatenate @profile with the keywords, or does
>> the profile list a bunch of keywords that can resolve to any URI as
>> defined by the profile?
> I believe that we are going to spec it such that
> RDFa/Microformats/Microdata can each define how @profile is interpreted
> by each respective Processor. The @profile proposal in HTML WG is going
> to be very simple:
> * Allow @profile on all elements.
> * Specify that @profile is a white-space separated list of tokens.
> * Some errata for HTML4.01 to correct how @profile is used in the wild
>   - that white-space separated tokens are allowed.
> * How to apply @profile on all elements to XHTML1.
> It may be up to the RDFa WG to define how @profile affects an RDFa
> processor when processing
> @about/@rel/@rev/@typeof/@property/@datatype/@resource.
>> How do we best keep this in sync with the RDFa WG's discussions?
> I'll probably have to be the liaison with HTML WG since I'm editing the
> proposal with Julian and Tantek. I'll try to remember to cc this group
> on discussions related to the @profile proposal.
> -- manu


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 09:34:43 UTC