Re: rdf:XMLLiteral and the RDF namespace

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 15:07:07 +0300, Mark Birbeck  
<> wrote:

> I think seeAlso and sameAs have wide enough usage, and what's more,
> this is absolutely in the spirit of what RDFa is all about.
> RDFa is in many ways about giving people who /don't/ understand RDF, a
> way to mark up their documents such that people who /do/ understand
> RDF can create clever software based on the data.
> Semwebbers would obviously love to get access to sameAs and seeAlso
> information, and by making it easy for authors to provide it --
> without confusing them with 'owl' this and 'rdfs' that -- many
> interesting possibilities open up.
> I think this is would be a great addition to the default profile, Ivan.

Ooh! So you mean

 <link about="owl:sameAs" rel="owl:sameAs" resource="rdfa:sameAs" />



Received on Thursday, 29 April 2010 14:02:10 UTC