Re: RDF-ISSUE-115: LC Comment: Unsetting @base and @prefix [RDF Turtle]

On 13/02/13 22:58, RDF Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> RDF-ISSUE-115: LC Comment: Unsetting @base and @prefix [RDF Turtle]
> Raised by: Guus Schreiber
> On product: RDF Turtle
> See:

If the TTL files are legal standalone, nothing needs to be done for 
@prefix as the prefix must be defined in the file for the file to be 
valid standalone.

For @base, which might propagate from one file to the next, it only 
makes a difference if the second file has no @base, making it sensitive 
to location.

In that case it is better to define @base: e.g.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
for file in *.ttl; do
   echo -e "\n @base <$file>\n" >> out.ttl
   cat $file >> out.ttl

so defining the base when the content is put in out.ttl.

If the files are fragments of Turtle undefining would be nice if it were 
earlier in the WG lifecycle.


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:27:37 UTC