Re: ResPec PR versions

On 22-12-13 19:54, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Andy Seaborne <> [2013-12-22 18:27+0000]
>> On 22/12/13 17:40, Guus Schreiber wrote:
>>> Let me know when the other docs are done (content final, no
>>> ResPec/HTML/link errors):
>>> - Concepts
>>> - Turtle
>> This doc was in a state of flux due to the non hg version floating
>> around so I haven't touched it to avoid risk losing anything.
> Gavin said during the transition call that he'd copy the contents of
> the SOTD and re-validate.

Is the difference between the jay version and the hg version only the 
SOTD? In that case I can just take over.


>>> - TriG
>>> - N-Triples
>> Done for ReSpec and HTML5.
>> The linkchecker is returning "502 Proxy Error" after a timeout for
>> me just at the moment.
>> I'll try again later.
>> 	Andy
>>> Guus

Received on Sunday, 22 December 2013 22:40:10 UTC