Re: Comments on Last-Call Working Draft of RDF 1.1 Semantics

On Dec 12, 2013, at 3:16 AM, Markus Lanthaler <> wrote:

> On Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:11 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 1:35 AM, Markus Lanthaler wrote:
>>>> Two paragraphs later, add a [[sentence]] to the end of the
>>>> paragraph:
>>> The previous paragraph begins with
>>> "In summary: RDF literals are either language-tagged strings,
>>>  or datatyped literals"
>>> which is inaccurate IMO. We discussed this before when I wanted to
>>> introduce a term for literals that are not langStrings. Here it bites
>>> ourselves. Language-tagged strings are datatyped literals
>> Weelll not *strictly* they aren't, because *strictly* rdf:langString is
>> not a legal datatype. This is why I have to call it out as an exception
>> in the semantics and give it its own special semantic condition, sigh.
> Hmm... yeah, if you look at it that strictly :-) What a mess for such a
> simple feature...

Tell me about it. 

> This is completely off-topic and I'm asking it just out of curiosity: What
> would break if we would have decided to define a datatype for each language.
> So instead of rdf:langString we would have had something like rdf:lang-xxx
> similar to the container membership properties rdf:_xx:
>  <> rdfs:comment "An explanation in English"^^rdf:lang-en

Andy explained this.

>>> , consequently the OR in this
>>> sentence is, strictly speaking, wrong. The simplest way out is
>> probably to just remove the whole sentence.
>> But I will just omit the "datatyped", and then the contrast is between
>> langString and the other cases which combine a datatype IRI with (just)
>> one string. OK?
> Not sure I follow. Do you want to change that sentence to
>  "In summary: RDF literals are either language-tagged strings,
>   or literals"
> That doesn't make much sense to me.

Its better if you quote it in full, but let me try again. HOw about this:

In summary: with one exception, RDF literals combine a string and an IRI <a>identify</a>ing a datatype. The exception is language-tagged strings, which have two syntactic components, a string and a language tag, and are assigned the type <code>rdf:langString</code>.

Does that read better?


>>>> the datatype it refers to must be specified unambiguously, and must
>>>> be fixed during all RDF transformations or manipulations. [[In
>>>> practice, this can be achieved by the IRI linking to an external 
>>>> of specification the datatype which describes both the components 
>>>> of the datatype itself and the fact that IRI identifies the datatype,
>>>> thereby fixing a value of the <a>datatype map</a> of this IRI.]]
>>> I don't think we need to add this sentence as we provide no mechanism
>>> to do so in a machine-processable way anyway.
>> True, but it was intended to be another piece of intuitive glue
>> attaching "datatype map" firmly to "identifies", which was the real
>> point of the changes. Unless you object to its content I would prefer
>> to keep it.
> I can live with it if you think it's necessary.
> --
> Markus Lanthaler
> @markuslanthaler

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Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:53:21 UTC