subtypes of xsd:string

Here is a spanner in the plain literal without lang tag vs xsd:string.

There are several builtin subtypes to xsd:string.
user defined subtypes for xsd:string are supported.

So in terms of Richard's quiz:

Q2C. Does this RDF graph (written in Turtle) have one, two or three triples?

  <x-eg:a>  <x-eg:c>  "foo" .
  <x-eg:a>  <x-eg:c>  "foo"^^xsd:string .
  <x-eg:a>  <x-eg:c>  "foo"^^xsd:Name .

xsd:Name is defined at
Note xsd:Name is explicitly supported in:


Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 19:32:35 UTC