Re: Action-48 text: a New Plan for plain literals

On 23/05/11 04:01, Pat Hayes wrote:
> The proposal outlined in the wiki here
> completes Richard and my action item 48 from the last telecon.
> Pat


I'm not sure this provides sufficient benefit - tagged literals exist 
and applications have to (and want to) deal with them.

It does mean you can write "rdfs:range rdf:LanguageTaggedString" ; it's 
hard to say "rdfs:range <a string, which might be tagged>" (I suppose 
rdf:PlainLiteral would capture that).

So taking Ivan's FOAF file:

<foaf:name xml:lang="hu">Herman Iván</foaf:name>
<foaf:name>Ivan Herman</foaf:name>

It does have a cost which is the deployed code that assumes literals 
have a language tag or a datatype.


Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 20:48:40 UTC