Re: Turtle and CURIES

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> On 23/05/11 14:53, David Wood wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The TAG (or rather, the  AWWSW Task Group of the TAG) is (still |
>> again) actively discussing http-range-14 and its relation to the
>> definitions of URIs. [1]
> Thanks for pointing it out.
>> Section 5.2 of that document [2] states:
>> [[ A null fragid precludes the use of qnames to abbreviate such URIs.
>> (In particular it would not be possible to use them as predicate
>> names in RDF/XML.) However, SPARQL, Turtle, and RDFa are being
>> extended to admit CURIEs that include #, making this a newly
>> attractive option. ]]
> I can read this in two ways: the IRI that the CURIE represents can include
> a #, including null fragid, and so does not have the RDF/XML problem.
> prefix ex: <http://example/ns#>
> ...
> { ex: ex: ex: }
> Or that the syntax of CURIE can include a #. SPARQL is not being changed to
> include these - this area has not changed since SPARQL 1.0.
> prefix ex: <http://example/>
> { ex:abc#def ex:ns# ex:#a }
> which is illegal.
I was confused on this point as well.  Since SPARQL and Turtle syntax both
permit empty local parts in prefixed names, you can represent any arbitrary
IRI as a pname by stuffing any illegal local-name characters into the
namespace part, and so you avoid the RDF/XML problem.

But, they seem to be suggesting a naming scheme where the local names 'a',
'b', 'c', ... become the IRIs <>, <>, <>, ...  To make that legal
Turtle, you have to allocate a new namespace for each local name, e.g.:

@prefix a: <>
@prefix b: <>
@prefix c: <>

{ a: b: c: }

That's just not feasible for documents with large numbers of local names.

> # is the comment character in SPARQL and Turtle.  (Could be changed to
> "<WS>#".)
>  I have advised Jonathan Rees, the editor, that the RDF WG is leaning
>> toward minimal changes in Turtle, but some form of Quartle may (or
>> may not) follow.
> SPARQL 1.1 Last Call is unchanged from SPARQL 1.0 in this area.
>  If anyone thinks this changes their mind in relation to CURIE support
>> in a standardized Turtle, this would be a good time to say so.
> A CURIE is:
> safe_curie  :=   '[' curie ']'
> curie       :=   [ [ prefix ] ':' ] reference
> prefix      :=   NCName
> reference   :=   irelative-ref (as defined in IRI)
> so Turtle's 'a' would match as would '123'
> irelative-ref includes "?" and "@" and ":" (the last two via ipchar)
> And '['  ']' have been used.
> CURIE permits further restrictions - while Turtle may in spirit have
> CURIEs, we need to restrict in some way anyway.

Seems the difficulty lies in the fact that CURIE allows a bare IRI
(relative) reference to be used as a CURIE, which matches too many existing
language elements in Turtle.  A reasonable restriction might be to only
accept CURIEs which contain a ':' character since those are already prefixed
names, and relaxing the rules of the local-name part to allow relative IRI
references there.  A relative IRI reference by itself would still need to be
enclosed in <> brackets.  That would support the null fragid naming
convention mentioned above.


>        Andy
>> Regards, Dave
>> [1] [2]
>        Andy

Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 15:22:43 UTC