Turtle and CURIES

Hi all,

The TAG (or rather, the  AWWSW Task Group of the TAG) is (still | again) actively discussing http-range-14 and its relation to the definitions of URIs. [1]

Section 5.2 of that document [2] states:

A null fragid precludes the use of qnames to abbreviate such URIs. (In particular it would not be possible to use them as predicate names in RDF/XML.) However, SPARQL, Turtle, and RDFa are being extended to admit CURIEs that include #, making this a newly attractive option.

I have advised Jonathan Rees, the editor, that the RDF WG is leaning toward minimal changes in Turtle, but some form of Quartle may (or may not) follow.

If anyone thinks this changes their mind in relation to CURIE support in a standardized Turtle, this would be a good time to say so.


[1]  http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/issue57/latest/
[2] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/issue57/latest/#suffix


Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 13:54:03 UTC