Re: The RDF 1.1 Literal Quiz

On May 18, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

> On 18 May 2011, at 20:18, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>> Q1. Does this RDF graph (written in Turtle) have one triple?
>>> <a> <b> 1 .
>>> <a> <b> "1"^^xsd:integer .
>> Not legal RDF syntax, so answer is moot.
> It is currently legal Turtle; the former is syntactic sugar for the latter.

Ah. Sorry. Then yes.

>>> Q12. Is this true in SPARQL?
>>> datatype("foo"@en) == xsd:string
>> NO. Formal objection.
> :-)
>> It would follow that _:x owl:sameAs "foo"@en . _:x owl:sameAs "foo"@fr .  was consistent. 
> Can you spell out the steps that lead to this conclusion?

_:x owl:sameAs "foo"@en .	hypothesis
_:x rdf:type xsd:string .		rdfD1  from your datatype assumption
_:x owl:sameAs "foo"@fr .		rdfD2  using identity criteria for xsd:string

Admittedly, this is stretching the actual statement of rdfD2 to a slightly wider syntax than stated in the specs, but the intention is clearly the same: this use of the rule is certainly valid, given the type information.

> I agree that this should not be consistent, but if we wanted the answer to be xsd:string here, then we surely could modify the machinery to make that happen?

Possibly, but I wouldn't want to try it. Messing with identity criteria and class reasoning is much nastier than simply having an unusual datatype.

>>> Q16. Does the literal in this RDF/XML fragment have a language tag?
>>> <rdf:Description rdf:about="a" xml:lang="en">
>>> <rdf:b>foo</rdf:b>
>>> </rdf:Description>
>> No.
> I note the current answer is Yes -- the resulting triple is
>   <a> rdf:b "foo"@en .
> All plain literals in RDF/XML pick up the XML language tag that's in scope.

My bad. I should just say dont care on anything to do with XML syntax.


> (I wanted this to say <a> <b> "foo"@en, but of course I asked for trouble writing RDF/XML by hand.)
> Richard

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Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 17:18:26 UTC