Re: publication infrastructure / respec

On May 12, 2011, at 14:17 , Dan Brickley wrote:
>>> 2.  Authoring format: Mediawiki markup, or HTML5-with-<sections>.  This
>>> includes how the bibliography is done.
>> HTML5.
> I'd like to stick to an XML-friendly subset if we can. Most of HTML5
> is in the Javascript APIs anyway, ... don't imagine we'll be using
> those?

The fact that it is HTML5 is because it is HTML with some additional tags that are not HTML4, essentially <section>. If we choose to use XHTML5, that would work just as well.

The only thing an editor has to do is to fill some data (title and editors and dates and those kind of things) in an embedded Javascript code and, otherwise, the average document editor has nothing to do with Javascript; it is all done behind the scenes by Javascript. It is just HTML editing as far as I am concerned...

Ie: I guess I do not understand your arguments...


> (or maybe we should embed a query engine in the primer?
>  )
> Dan

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 12:34:25 UTC