Re: [TTL] Differences between SPARQL and Turtle.

(Sorry if this issue is moot by now)

On 4 May 2011, at 14:27, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
>> # 8 Escape Processing
>> Proposal: Adopt Turtle style / Change SPARQL.
>> \u escapes can only appear in strings and IRIs
> Richard +1'd this on the basis that allowing \u in local names would
> confused users.

Other reasons are actually more important:

1. Currently, \u in local names is not allowed in Turtle or N3
2. You can always fall back on full IRIs if you really need to escape something

> I'm not convinced and suspect that the RDB2RDF WG
> would want to give their users a way to algorithmically write
> shorthand like:
>  @prefix : <http://foo.example/DB/People/> .
>  # triples for …People/ID=8 :
>  :ID\u003d8 :fname "Bob" ; :lname "Smith" .

Personally I prefer </DB/People/ID/8> or id:8 over :ID\u003d8, but maybe I'm just weird.

The way I see it, \uXXXX in prefixed names is not strictly necessary and doesn't add anything compelling.


Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 00:20:31 UTC