Re: ISSUE-12: xs:string VS plain literals: proposed resolution

On 5/4/2011 2:29 PM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Alex Hall<>  [2011-05-04 14:08-0400]
>> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Lee Feigenbaum<>  wrote:
>>> On 5/4/2011 1:17 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>>> On May 4, 2011, at 9:08 AM, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
>>>>   I'd like to understand if the proposed resolution of this issue is
>>>>> ("merely") a recommendation, or is a change to RDF syntactic equality. In
>>>>> particular, will we be changing
>>>>> such that
>>>>> "foo" and "foo"^^xsd:string are equal literals?
>>>>> Looking at this through SPARQL's eyes (as I am wont to do), one of the
>>>>> goals of this change is so that I can write:
>>>>> SELECT ... { ?s :p "foo" }
>>>>> and have that match whether the data that was loaded into the store was
>>>>> "foo" or "foo"^^xsd:string.
>>>>> Recommending that stores canonicalize to "foo" would be one way to
>>>>> accomplish this, but only for new data. (And even then, is only a
>>>>> recommendation.) If we changed (or made a SHOULD-style change) literal
>>>>> equality, then the above query would match against :s :p "foo"^^xsd:string
>>>>> as well as :s :p "foo", which -- for me -- is the goal of this issue.
>>>> Well, have SPARQL decide that the appropriate entailment is
>>>> {xsd:string}-entailment (that is, D-entailment where D={xsd:string}), and
>>>> that fixes the necessary matching. Seems to me that this is not RDF
>>>> business, in fact. RDF already provides the machinery for doing this, all
>>>> SPARQL has to do is use the existing RDF specs appropriately.
>>> Then maybe I don't understand the original motivation behind ISSUE-12 in
>>> this working group at all.
>>> *shrug*
>> > From what I can tell based on looking at the charter, the original
>> motivation was exactly what you stated: to make querying for string data
>> simpler in SPARQL.
>> Unfortunately, the only ways I can see of making that work transparently in
>> SPARQL are:
>> 1. Follow Pat's suggestion and define SPARQL BGP matching in terms of
>> {xsd:string}-entailment.
>> 2. Modify the abstract syntax specified in RDF Concepts so that there's only
>> one way of expressing string data in an RDF literal, which seems to be what
>> you're asking for.
> 3. Add a little text saying that plain literals are preferred to
> literals of type xsd:string.
> The RDB2RDF WG faced this in defining the Direct Mapping of relational
> databases to RDF. The ISO SQL committee provides a mapping of SQL
> types to XSD types, and naturally SQL's string types (STRING, CHAR(n),
> VARCHAR(n)) map to xsd:string. Because we didn't want to needlessly
> encumber users with a typed literal when a plain literal would do, we
> overrode the mapping for strings (ints, etc. still map per ISO). A
> little guidance text could encourage others to do the same and
> unification will get that much easier.

This isn't a new suggestion; this is apparently what this WG is already 
doing. It's also what I (and Alex) are saying seems like not very 
effective. And what I'm saying is potentially not worth the time.


>> I'm not fundamentally opposed to either of those approaches, but they both
>> would require significant changes to deployed code.  Given a choice, I would
>> go with the second one because I don't think the problem is confined to
>> SPARQL.  I personally think that making a breaking change to the abstract
>> syntax would be worthwhile in this case because string data is so pervasive,
>> but I wouldn't be surprised if there's backlash from the community over
>> that.
>> The proposed resolution for ISSUE-12 appears to me to be avoiding making any
>> breaking changes by recommending that data producers prefer one form
>> syntactic form over another.  I share your skepticism over how well that
>> will work in the long run.
>> -Alex
>>> Lee
>>>> Pat
>>>>> (SPARQL defines matching based on subgraphs, which in terms is based on
>>>>> RDF graph equivalence.)
>>>>> I'm not an expert on the RDF standards documents, admittedly, so I might
>>>>> be missing something.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Lee
>>>>> On 5/4/2011 6:04 AM, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> With respect to ISSUE-12, I propose that we reformulate the resolution
>>>>>> as follows:
>>>>>> "PROPOSED: Recommend that data publishers use plain literals instead of
>>>>>> xs:string typed literals and tell systems to silently convert xs:string
>>>>>> literals to plain literals without language tag."
>>>>>> In the text of the spec, we may want to add some more details, saying:
>>>>>> "In XSD-interpretations, any xs:string-typed literal "aaa"^^xs:string is
>>>>>> interpreted as the character string "aaa", that is, it is the same as
>>>>>> the plain literal "aaa". Thus, to ensure a canonical form of character
>>>>>> strings and better interoperability, we recommend that data publishers
>>>>>> always use plain literals instead of xs:string typed literals and tell
>>>>>> systems to silently convert xs:string literals to plain literals without
>>>>>> language tag whenever they occur in an RDF graph."
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> IHMC                                     (850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973
>>>> 40 South Alcaniz St.           (850)202 4416   office
>>>> Pensacola                            (850)202 4440   fax
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Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 18:44:19 UTC