RDF-ISSUE-58 (revisit-rdf-mapping-lists-and-containers): Revisit "A request to define a formal semantic relationship between lists and containers" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-58 (revisit-rdf-mapping-lists-and-containers): Revisit "A request to define a formal semantic relationship between lists and containers" [Cleanup tasks]


Raised by: David Wood
On product: Cleanup tasks

See http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdf-mapping-lists-and-containers
rdf-mapping-lists-and-containers: A request to define a formal
semantic relationship between lists and containers.

Propose to resolve CLOSE - no plans to do this. Containers are largely
considered legacy / archaic now, and are deployed in a variety of
styles so mapping is not possible.

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 01:36:23 UTC