Re: ISSUE-18: How do we parse "18." in Turtle?

On 30/03/11 21:33, Peter Frederick Patel-Schneider wrote:
> From: Andy Seaborne<>
> Subject: Re: ISSUE-18: How do we parse "18." in Turtle?
> Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:51:57 -0500
> [...]
>> By the way, this is not the only place that "longest token" is important:
>> { :x :p18. }
>> is that ":p1 8."  or ":p 18" or ":p18" and an error?  That has not been
>> a practical issue raised.
> Where is this legal in Turtle at all?

With a normal tokenizer? Not.
With a backtracking one, :x :p18.


>> Or  ?x<a&&b>?y
> Ditto.
> [...]
> That is, "NOT OUR PROBLEM!"
>> 	Andy
> peter

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:51:31 UTC