Re: RDF-ISSUE-20 (Numeric local part): The prefixed name "ns:123" is legal in SPARQL - should it be legal for Turtle? [RDF Turtle]

From: RDF Working Group Issue Tracker <>
Subject: RDF-ISSUE-20 (Numeric local part): The prefixed name "ns:123" is legal in SPARQL - should it be legal for Turtle? [RDF Turtle]
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:49:44 -0500

> RDF-ISSUE-20 (Numeric local part): The prefixed name "ns:123" is legal
> in SPARQL - should it be legal for Turtle? [RDF Turtle]
> Raised by: Andy Seaborne
> On product: RDF Turtle
> It is legal in SPARQL 1.0 because of user feedback to an earlier version
> of the grammar when it wasn't (DAWG).

Also, "ns:f.123" and "ns:1.23" 

I think that this is the other addition to "qnames" in SPARQL.

Note that "ns:f." and "ns:1." are not allowed.


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:28:05 UTC