Re: [JSON] I say again, what *is* JSON?

Peter Frederick Patel-Schneider wrote:
> From: Nathan <>
> Subject: Re: [JSON] I say again, what *is* JSON?
> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 11:36:50 -0500
>> Gavin Carothers wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Peter Frederick Patel-Schneider
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hmm.
>>>> Is this really the JSON spec?
>>> No.
>> This was referring to the ECMAScript-262 specification [1].
>> No it's not the JSON specification, however it is closely related, "JSON 
>> is a subset of the object literal notation of JavaScript" [2], 
> Apparently not so.  [1, p202] says differently:
> 	JSON [...] allows Unicode code points U+2028 and U+2029 to
>  	directly appear in JSONString literals without using an escape
>  	sequence.  
> which, by the way, appears to contract the information following about
> how to parse JSON.
>> and was 
>> developed when ECMAScript-262 was in it's Third Edition. ECMAScript-262 
>> is now in it's Fifth Edition, and includes JSON.
> Well, includes something that might (or might not) be related to JSON.
>> To all extents and purposes, the JSON people use, and the environment 
>> they often use it in, is defined by the ECMAScript-262 Fifth Edition I 
>> referred you to.
>> For practical usage, and when discussing, it's good to be familiar with 
>> the ECMAScript-262 Fifth Edition and what it says about JSON, the 
>> parsing and stringification of it, and how it maps to ECMAScript-262 
>> "Objects".
>> Hope that clarifies.
> Not very well.  To understand JSON this way is extraordinarily difficult
> and expensive, requiring deep knowledge of the innards of EMCAScript.

I had hoped it would a little, since it was in relation to multiple 
"keys" with the same name and also confusion over that terminology in 
relation to JSON, however, I guess it would be good to know how you see 
this negatively impacting the JSON TF and JSON related work of the 
group? Or specifically what are your current issues and how do they 
affect the work we're planning/doing?



Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 17:41:14 UTC