Re: [JSON] Examples for RDF JSON serializations side-by-side comparison

On 23/03/11 14:46, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-03-23 at 13:55 +0000, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> # These are not strict Turtle where everything
>> # must be "subject-predicate" form.
>> # They are SPARQL.
>> ("a" "b" "c" ) .
> This should be flagged a little more clearly as "NOT RDF".  A mapping
> can reject this one and still be 100% RDF.

To be clear - it is RDF (see the N-triples file) - but you can't write 
it like that in Turtle.  You'd need to write part out in long hand.

[] rdf:first "a" ;
    rdf:rest  ("b" "c") .

>> [ :p (1 2) , (3 4) ] .
> Oh that's really not in Turtle?   Sad, if true.

Again, it is RDF, you just can't write it like that in Turtle.

[] :p (1 2) , (3 4) .

>> Attached:
>>     D.ttl (the data above)
>>     D.nt (converted to N-triples)
> Brilliant!   And cruel!    I'm trying to imagine Tom sitting on the
> plane sorting this out against the various specs.    He might find he'd
> rather just write the code.

And then there are illformed-for-shorthand-but-legal-RDF list-like 

_:a rdf:first "a" ;
     rdf:first "b" ;
     rdf:rest  _:a .

They are cruel.

>     -- Sandro


Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 14:54:25 UTC