Re: [JSON] new yellow box, proposed solution

On 2011-03-22, at 16:26, Sandro Hawke wrote:

> I think we might be able to get away without the second table.
> After the JSON task force meeting yesterday, it seemed to me the main
> opportunity for standards in the second table on can also fit on the
> first one, because of the level 7 convergence.   That is, 7A is
> publishers with RDF and consumers who don't want anything to do with
> RDF.   I made this a yellow box on the first table.   I'm a bit fuzzy
> on some boxes in the second table, but I'm not seeing anything not
> addressed in the first one, at the moment.
> Thinking about this yellow box (7A), I guess the Linked Data API is
> aimed at this space.  So is Steve Harris' "CONSTRUCT JSON" idea for
> Thinking about it yesterday, I came up with another approach, which I'll
> explain now, while I'm thinking about it.  Not sure how relevant it is
> to this WG.   The approach is based on the idea that we could address
> these folks with SPARQL 1.1, just by defining a "simplified" json
> results format.   Something like this:
> Example Data in Turtle:
>    _:x foaf:name "Cassia"; foaf:age 7 .
>    _:y foaf:name "Aubrey"; foaf:age 8 .
> Query:
>  SELECT ?name ?age WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name; foaf:age ?age }
> JSON result:
> [ { "name": "Cassia", "age": 7 }, { "name": "Aubrey", "age": 8 } ]
> In JSON, the lang tags, datatypes, and node type would be lost

+1 to that.

In a similar vein, 4store has a non-standard result format that's quite popular, which is just TSV files of Turtle constants (some people use a variant which is just STR(?var), so no <>s, type, or language). Both are perl/python/ruby/php friendly.


name	age
"Cassia"	7
"Aubrey"	8

There's a fairly simple regex one liner which turns Turtle constants into bare strings, but sometimes you want to inject results back into another SPARQL query anyway.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 17:11:43 UTC