Re: RDF-ISSUE-12 (String Literals): Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) [Cleanup tasks]

Le 07/03/2011 10:06, Ivan Herman a écrit :
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 19:32 , Steve Harris wrote:
>> On 2011-03-06, at 16:37, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> On 06/03/11 08:12, Steve Harris wrote:
>>>>> What about just saying, "please don't use xs:string any more", and
>>>>> "if
>>>>>> you (some RDF software) find an xs:string, you SHOULD convert it
>>>>>> to a plain literal".  Would that pretty much solve the problem?
>>>> That's the inverse of what I suggested just before I read this mail.
>>>> It works for me (from a storage point of view it's probably simpler),
>>>> but I understand that it's not ideal for some reasoning systems?
>>> the inverse was:
>>> On 06/03/11 07:59, Steve Harris wrote:
>>>>     "foo"^^xsd:string  ->    "foo"^^xsd:string
>>>>     "foo"  ->    "foo"^^xsd:string
>>>>     "foo"@de  ->    "foo"^^xsd:string @de
>>> I think it works better as
>>> "foo"^^xsd:string ->  "foo"
>>> "foo"@de  ->    "foo"@de
>> I agree, but someone, possibly Pat said there was an issue with untyped literals and reasoning.
> AFAIK, no reasoning is defined on non-datatyped literals...

What do you mean by that?
There is a formal semantics which defines well what plain literals mean. 
Reasoning can be performed on documents with both plain literals and 
typed literals. Still, as far as I understand it, reasoning and plain 
literals don't go well together and that's why rdf:plainLiteral was 
defined. It basically makes all literals "typed".

Antoine Zimmermann
Researcher at:
Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information
Database Group
7 Avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Lecturer at:
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
20 Avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex

Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 17:32:18 UTC