Re: [Turtle] Two formats

On 3 Mar 2011, at 11:22, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
> We use TriG all the time for configuring systems, some of which is often done by hand. As such, N-triples + named graphs would notbe sufficient; we require a human-friendly quads serialization, such as TriG.

I'd like to hear more about real-world use of TriG.

Here's what I'm aware of:

1. As examples for NG4J/WIQA (this is what we created TriG for)
2. As a language for expressing spreadsheet-to-RDF mappings in XLWrap
3. As a syntax for configuration files (?) in your system.
4. As a “graph store persistence” format in the Semantic Web Client Library and derived systems

None of these require exchange between different systems. They're all about local storage or configuration. If the use cases for human-written TriG boil down to configuration files, then I'm unconvinced that this WG should put a format on REC track for that.

N-Quads on the other hand is used quite often to exchange dumps between different parties (DBpedia publishes N-Quads; the Billion Triples dataset is available as N-Quads; Sindice can process N-Quad dumps).

So I see a clear case for standardizing a multi-graph dump format, but not such a clear case for standardizing a multi-graph “small-scale” format a la SuperTurtle or TriG.


> Lee
>> Best,
>> Richard
>> [1]
>>> [the rest of your email has good stuff, but I don't have time to respond
>>> at the moment.]
>>>    -- Sandro
>>>> If we can't change turtle, and can't do super-turtle or qurtle, why and
>>>> how can we even discuss graphs of any form?
>>>> Syntax sugar like ^ prefix, in scope?
>>>> Quoted Graphs, in scope?
>>>>  - if yes, what to they resolve to in the RDF semantics? how would that
>>>> work?
>>>> Graph Literals?
>>>>  - what's the difference between quoted graphs?
>>>> variables?
>>>> changes to the semantics?
>>>>  - if no, can changes like g-box be introduced without being in the
>>>> semantics?
>>>> changes to the concepts?
>>>>  - if yes, what about B.C. with RDF/XML? existing deployed data and
>>>> processors? how can they change but the semantics not?
>>>> align turtle with sparql?
>>>>  - if yes, how without variables, subject literals and all the other bits?
>>>> Sorry, I feel like we need to know what definitely cannot happen, what
>>>> definitely can and what's a grey area, for this WG.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Nathan

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2011 14:27:40 UTC