Re: [GRAPHS] Follow your graph nose.

Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Hello,
> An other issue that was touched in the discussions about IRI to identify g-boxes/graphs/etc. is the application of the follow your nose principle of linked data to RDF graph [1].
> As I remember from the workshop there were at least two opinions on that matter:
> Opinion (1) : When I follow the IRI of a graph I should get a serialization of the triples contained in that graph.
> Opinion (2) : When I follow the IRI of a graph I should get triples about that IRI.
> In other words if I have the following dataset:
> :G1 { geo:lat 43.580833 ; geo:long 7.123889 . }
> :G1 dc:date "2010-11-12"^^xsd:date ;
>     rdf:type ex:GPSData .
> On dereferencing :G1
> Option (1) would return 
> geo:lat 43.580833 ; geo:long 7.123889 .
> Option (2) would return
> :G1 dc:date "2010-11-12"^^xsd:date ;
>     rdf:type ex:GPSData .
> Now I could see pros and cons for each option:
> Option (1) provides an easy way to fetch graphs.
> Option (2) seems to me more in-line with practices of linked data where the dereferencing often resembles a SPARQL DESCRIBE <URI>
> If I had to chose, I would prefer option (2) to have a more consistent behavior and remain independent of the type of resource identified by the IRI i.e. whether it is a graph or not I always get triples *about* the IRI / Resource. One could then have a vocabulary to allow additional queries e.g.
> :G1 rdf:type rdf:Graph ;
>     sparql:endpoint <> ;
>     ex:size "42" .
> That being said a third option that I didn't see mentioned so far could be to send everything on dereferencing the IRI i.e. the graph together with its metadata.

yes, for example

{ geo:lat 43.580833 ; geo:long 7.123889 
  }  dc:date "2010-11-12"^^xsd:date ;
    rdf:type ex:GPSData .
    :uri :G1 .

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2011 13:49:52 UTC