Re: bang ! in turtle

On 03/01/2011 07:48 PM, Nathan wrote:
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>>> ^a [ owl:inverseOf rdf:type ]
>> As Sandro said, this is just an explanation, right? Formally, what
>> you describe is a bnode that can be inferred to be an inverse, etc,
>> etc
> I'm happy with whatever words make it happen, one view is that it's
> sugar, the other is that it saves you declaring inverseOf properties
> all the time - either one roughly equates the same net result.

No its does not have the same net result, as it does not produce the 
same graph!


   :a ^:b :c .

in one case, it produces graph A below (1 triple)

   :c :b :a .

in the other case, it produces graph B below (2 triples)

   :a _:x :c .
   _:x owl:inverseOf :b .

which entails graph A *only* under the inference regime OWL.

 From a strict RDF perspective, this is two completely different things.

is syntactic suj

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2011 09:24:01 UTC