Re: [Turtle] N-Triples Prime First Editors Draft

The content type suggested is:


but text defaults to ASCII.

N-triples is less readable than Turtle and more directed to machine 


seems more appropriate and allows the default charset to be UTF-8.


On 24/08/11 00:52, Gavin Carothers wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Have added an initial draft of N-Triples Prime (name to be agreed on
> later) to a branch of the Turtle specification.
> Branch is named "n-triples".
> Issues:
> The RDF WG has not settled on a name for N′, N′ is used to distinguish
> it from the RDF Test Cases N-Triples. ( Should I say "N\u2032" )
> The RDF WG has specified N-Triples Prime to allow UTF-8 characters in
> IRIs, literals and blank node identifiers. Readers with an opinion
> about whether or not N-Triples should be ASCII-only may wish to
> comment. (huh, that is poor language and not correct copied from old
> issue, will fix later)
> Current grammar doesn't deal with comments correctly. (For any value of correct)
> Current grammar doesn't deal with triple lines that end in EOF rather
> then EOL. (neither did the old one)
> Cheers,
> Gavin

Received on Monday, 29 August 2011 12:27:15 UTC