Re: language-tagged literal datatypes

On 8/18/2011 7:11 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
> Option 2. All literals have a type. rdf:LangString is a special
> datatype whose L2V mapping takes a pair of strings as input and
> returns a language-tagged pair as output. This mapping is the
> identity mapping on pairs<string, tag>, just as xsd:String is the
> identity mapping on single strings. DATATYPE("foo"@en) returns
> rdf:LangString, following the normal rules for datatyping.

I prefer this option (or the 2b version).

> = If a SPARQL querier wants to determine the actual language tag in
> use, option 2 requires them to look inside the returned value, while
> option 3 requires looking inside the datatype URI, and can be
> determined from a DATATYPE query. I have no idea which of these is
> hardest to handle, but it might be worth thinking about the
> difference if it matters to anyone.

I don't think this is an issue because of the LANG(...) function 
provided with SPARQL 1.0.


> Pat
> PS. FWIW, I vote for either 2 or 3, and against 1 or 1a. I prefer 2.,
> for the reason mentioned above, and because it seems to me to be the
> most elegant solution.
> [1]
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Received on Friday, 19 August 2011 18:07:11 UTC