Re: RDF Recommendation Set comments (re agenda for 6th April)

* [2011-04-07 17:57:22 +0200] Antoine Zimmermann <> écrit:

] Peter gave an example in one of today's emails:
] <ex:a> <ex:p> "<notLegalXML"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
] <ex:p> rdfs:range rdf:XMLLiteral .
] cannot be true in any rdfs-interpretation; it is rdfs-inconsistent.

rdf:XMLLiteral being a bit of a special case...

] other examples can be made if you consider XSD entailment, e.g.:
] :p rdfs:range xsd:int .
] :x :p "abc" .

Ok, but see other mail about catching modelling errors that do not
tend to involve literals. However this is another class of errors
that would be useful to catch. The first cannot be caught whilst
treating the terms as opaque, and the second requires type rules
outside of RDF/RDFS and AFAIK are not really dealt with by the
reasoners that we have.

William Waites                <>        <>
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Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 16:11:43 UTC