Getting Started

re-sending, problems with list noted below).

Now that the group is up and has critical mass, I suggest we do the following:

* Create a GitHub repository (ideally on the w3c account) for rdf-tests. (Perhaps Eric can help facilitate this for the w3c account).

* Copy existing tests suites into the gh-pages branch, so that tests can be accessed, e.g., as Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads, RDF/XML, SPARQL. (Note, JSON-LD [1] and RDFa [2] test suites are managed in different GitHub repos already.

* Copy implementation reports to, e.g.,

* Discussion can take place on this list with specific issues tracked on the GitHub issues tracker.

* Proposed changes should go on a separate branch related to a specific issue issue. Participants should have modify rights to the repo, so that branches off of the main repo are preferred to using a separate fork, but both are reasonable.

* Features may be merged back into the main (gh-pages) branch when consensus is reached, which should be validated by at least two separate implementations. Note that naming conventions for tests often make conflicting overlaps inevitable, so we may want to adopt a different naming convention for test IRIs going forward.

* Some updates, e.g. more extensive updates to the SPARQL test suite, may require branching off of a separate feature branch, so that  a set of changes can be staged before updating the main branch. We may want to use a “sparql11-rev-1” branch for this purpose.

* After a changes to a given test suite become stable, a “release” branch can be created to record the state of the test suite at that time; this also becomes the best target for subsequent implementation reports.

* All changes affecting a given test suite should be broadcast to the appropriate comments list ( or at this point).

Open for discussion is if existing test locations off of should be redirected or proxied to GitHub, or if new URIs representing these tests (as well as intermediate releases) should be created. I personally favor updating existing test locations, as they are referenced from the specs.

(Note, the mailing list is experiencing intermittent failures; until the W3C webmaster attends to this, retrying emails may be necessary).

Gregg Kellogg


Received on Monday, 7 September 2015 18:54:07 UTC