Re: call for use cases for quoted triples in RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2

I know I'm late to the party on this, but as far as I can see the UCR is empty -  was that due to no input, or it relocating?

I'm personally interested in exploring how RDF-star can be used to track provenance of triples, in conjunction with PROV-O or otherwise - is anyone aware of any work/papers/prototyping related to that?


Pete Rivett (
Federated Knowledge, LLC (LEI 98450013F6D4AFE18E67)
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From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 2:29 PM
To: <>; <>; <>
Subject: call for use cases for quoted triples in RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2

The RDF-star working group is collecting use cases to help determine the form
and behaviour of triples that are used as the subject or object of other
triples (known as quoted or embedded or nested triples) in RDF 1.2 and SPARQL
1.2.  The working group is starting from the final report of the RDF-star
community group, available at, but
changes in the behaviour of quoted triples are possible and expected.   See
the community group's final report or the working group's home page at for more information.

If you are interested in submitting a new use case or in resubmitting a use
case previously submitted to the community group (and documented in please create a use case
issue in the working group's use case repository at

The working group is expanding use cases beyond just simple accounts to
complete descriptions that can be used to drive the development of RDF 1.2 and
SPARQL 1.2.  A member of the working group use case task force will
collaborate with you to create a complete description of your use case.  The
goal is to have sufficient information in use cases so that it is obvious
whether RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2 can effectively be used to support the use
case. The RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2 recommendations may not support all submitted
use cases.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
RDF-star Use Case Task Force Chair

Received on Saturday, 12 August 2023 00:39:09 UTC