Re: When N-Ary and When RDF-star

On 1/21/22 9:40 AM, Jerven Tjalling Bolleman wrote:
> When to use RDF-star and when to use N-Ary a personal perspective.
> RDF-Star is to be used when the relationship itself is enough for the data user in the vast majority of their use cases.
>  . . .
> When this evidence supporting such a relationship becomes the key concept for the users then it is time to go N-Ary.

Excellent explanation!  And this brings up a major concern that I have 
about rdf-star: it means that we would have at least 3 *different* 
syntaxes for representing relationships of different arities.

It sure would be nice if the expressiveness of rdf-star and labeled 
property graphs were treated uniformly as mere sub-cases of a *standard* 
n-ary relationship syntax (which we do not currently have).

FWIW, some ideas for standardizing n-ary relations have been collected 
here, though the problem is far from solved:

David Booth

Received on Friday, 21 January 2022 16:07:02 UTC