Re: drop referentially opaque semantics in embedded triples

> On 2021-05-10, at 19:05:21, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> On 07/05/2021 16:20, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> An excellent description of the problems with referential opacity in embedded triples.   I agree wholeheartedly.  I particularly like the detailed investigation into the use cases.
>> I also note that referential opacity works poorly for the annotation syntax (PG mode).  With referential opacity
>> :berlin :population 3644826 {| :determination-method :statistical-updating |}
>> does not entail
>> :berlin :population 03644826 {| :determination-method :statistical-updating |}
>> which I take to be completely unexpected.
>> (I purposefully picked an example that did not need any external identity relationship.)
> The transparency/opaque language isn't that helpful for me; it is about binding and scoping.
> In a programming language situation, a quoted expression is not the expression.

this claim is not universally true.
whether - and how, depends on the language's interpretation model.
it is, beyond rdf-star issues, the cause of the misconceptions concerning the treatment of exists in sparql.
it is also, at least to this reader, not entirely supported by the argument which it introduced.

> It may capture context when written (lexical/static scoping - capture) or when executed (dynamic scoping).

where context is involved, the expression need not. in the final evaluation, the interpretation mechanism does.

> ...

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2021 12:28:15 UTC