Re: Does SHACL support rdf-star ?

SHACL was released in July 2017, so, no, there is nothing in it to support RDF-star.

TopQuadrant supports RDF-star and we developed an extension to say that a particular property is reified using RDF-star. It is a predicate dash:reifiableBy. The shape of reified statements for the property (value of dash:reifiableBy) is specified as a SHACL Node Shape.

For more, see and

> On Jul 7, 2021, at 10:17 AM, Pierre-Antoine Champin <> wrote:
> Dear Joylix,
> - standard SHACL does not support RDF-star (quite obviously, as RDF-star is not standard yet)
> - the RDF-star CG report does not propose any extension for the moment
> - I vaguely remember some people from Top Quadrant mentioning that they had a custom extension of SHACL for dealing with RDF-star, but I am not sure. Apart from that,, I am not aware of any implementation adding RDF-star support to SHACL.
>   best
> On 07/07/2021 14:52, Joy lix wrote:
>> Hi, all. 
>> Can anyone tell me if SHACL currently supports RDF-STAR?  
>> Is there any simple example of this? Where can I validate the SHAPE of RDF-STAR ?
>> Thanks a lot !
>> Joylix
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Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2021 14:38:13 UTC